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Long Crendon


The place to grow

Sycamore - Year 1

Thursday 6th February 2025


We have had another great week in Sycamore class and only have 20 marbles left in the jar to earn our next treat. We are still loving the space topic, so please keep sending in those space facts for our space wall.


In maths we have been learning about using our number bonds to add on ones and then adding ten more e.g. 6+2=8 is 16+2 is 18/ The class found this very challenging but have showed amazing resilience in their learning. 


In English we have been editing our alien stories and making sure we have used the right punctuation and adding noun phrases. We also learnt that a verb is an action word e.g. sit, jump, blow, writing and then we write sentences using ! and ?. They had some very interesting ideas!


In history we learnt about Mae Jemison who was the first black women in space. 


In phonics we learnt the alterative phonemes o written as wa e.g. was,  wash,  then u as o e.g. come, grandson. Then we focused on the words first, second and third. We have now covered all the phonemes in phase 5 and will now go back to beginning to reinforce the previous learning. 


In dance we continued to create our dance routines using the canon method but by adding the song of row, row, row your boat.


In PSHE we leant about setting ourselves targets are how we can achieve them by making a stretchy hand to develop our learning. 


Friday 31st January 2025


The children have written amazing adventure stories this week about their aliens and it has amazing to see how far their writing has progressed so far in year 1. 


In maths we focused on greater than, less than and equals and then we have been looking at ordering numbers from biggest to smallest and smallest to biggest.


In history we looked at the space race times line. Ask your child which three animals went into space before humans, (fruit flies, monkey and then a dog!)


In phonics we learnt about the ch wrtitien as tch, e as ea, sh alternatives of ss(ion), s(ian), c(ial), c(ian), and finally zh/ sound  which is spelled with an 's' before 'ure', 'ion', or 'ual'.


We also worked in groups creating a dance using the cannon format of 1, 2, 3. 



Thursday 23rd January 2025


We are very lucky to have welcomed a teaching student called Miss Middleton who will be with us till the week before the Easter holidays. 


English: we have been planning ideas for our alien adventure stories with a focus on the various parts of the story e.g. beginning, adventure, ending and the characters. 


In Maths we have been learning about 1 more, 1 less and estimating and using a number line to 20. We have also looked at the difference between odd and even numbers. Ask your child what happens if you add 2 odd numbers together or 2 even numbers?


In Dance we have been created a canon dance which is a dance where you work in a sequence of 3 e.g. number jumps up, then 2 and finally 3. They had great ideas. 


In PSHE we talked about how to create steps to achieve a goal by looking at the steps to make a jam sandwich!


In Humanities we acted out the moon landing focusing on how the astronauts felt and watched more moon landing videos. 


In Art they are focusing on mixing primary and secondary colours. 


Please return any reading books still at home as we seem to be missing some. Thank you so much. 



Friday 17th January 2025


We have had another lovely week and the children continue to work so hard and challenge themselves in their learning. We are also halfway through earning all the marbles in the jar to get a class treat. 


In maths we have been focusing on numbers 11-19 and exploring them using maths equipment so we can understand there value as ten and more e.g. 17 is ten and 7 ones. 


In English we have been learning about noun phrases which are a adjective and noun together e.g. blue whale, scary alien. Then we used these noun phrases in the descriptive writing. 


In phonics we have been learning the alternative phonemes for s of c(e), c(i), c(y) as in dance, celery etc. Then s as sc and st(l). We also focused on the key words once and two. 


In PE we incorporated marching in to our dances. 


In History we learnt about Neil Armstrong and watched the moon landing.  




Thursday 9th January 2025


The children have come back to school enthusiastic and ready to learn and are very excited about their space topic. We have started to create a wall of space facts so please keep encouraging the children to write them down to add them to our space wall. We also loved watching the Solar System song ( about the planets. 


English: our book this term is Beegu, this is the link to watch it on You Tube- We are making our own aliens and naming them.


Maths: We have learnt about number up to 20 and beyond and looking at the repeating pattern of 0-9. We have been using number lines and even drew them on the table. We have been looking at different ways we can make 10 e.g. 5+5 or 2+2+6. 


Science: We have just started the topic of Plants. The children have been observing the plants around them in the school grounds and will be learning about the effect that light has on plant growth. 


PE: We have started our second term of dance based around building simple movement patterns from given actions. Compose and link actions to make simple movement phrases. This week we focused on animals on the farm.


We are also focusing on the ball skills of send and return Able to send an object with increased confidence using hand or bat,  moving towards a moving ball to return and sending and returning a variety of balls. This week we were sliding and receiving beanbags and balls. 


In phonics we focused on c as c e.g. cat, c as k e.g. kite, c as ck e.g. duck and c as ch.


In Art we are focusing on knowing that the primary colours are red, yellow and blue and knowing the primary colours can be mixed to make secondary colours.


We are having a space day at the end of term but it is a surprise. The children will be welcome to wear space themed clothes e.g. spaceman, a space t shirt or full-on alien outfit. I wanted to give you advance warning in case you see a suitable outfit!!!


Have a lovely weekend.


Mrs Ward and Mr Aziz

Thursday 19th December 2024


Wow, what a great term it has been, all the children have been so fun to teach and so keen to learn. They have settled so well into Year 1 and are Sycamore Superstars! Thank you for all your support and help this term, it is vey much appreciated. 


Mrs Ward, Mr Aziz and Mrs Hutt


This week we have been creating maps of the playground and creating our own dream playgrounds in Geography. 


We have been looking at the many ways to make 10 in maths e.g. 5 lots of 2, 4+4+2 etc.


We also finished our puppets and they look great. 


In dance we have been adding more moves to our Jungle dances. 


We had great fun at the Christmas meal too. 


Have a lovely Christmas we look forward to more fun in Year 1 next term.


The topics we are teaching next term will be on our class website page in the next few weeks. 

Class Nativity Photo Thursday 19th December 2024

Thursday 12th December 2024

 Well done Sycamore class on being so amazing in the nativity play, we certainly has some amazing acting and the sheep definitely got deep into their roles! The staff were so proud of them and know we know they have some funky dance moves!

Here are some lovely photos of them in their costumes.

Friday 6th December 2024


The children have been working so hard on all of their learning. We invited their Year 5 buddies in to work with them on identifying 2-D shapes and their properties. They have been practicing their Christmas performance and are looking forward to showing you all on the day of the performance. Thank you for sending all of the costumes back in! 

We had a lovely time visiting the Church too. We sang Bethlehem Boogie.


We started the week with a lovely visit to see Reverend Richard at St. Mary's Church for our annual Christmas service and then on Wednesday we made Christingles with the lovely helpers Wendy, gay and Reverend Richard. 


Week beginning 18th November 2024


In English this week we have been learning about the difference between formal and informal letters. Then we thought of ideas for problems that Percy the Park Keeper could solve for them and they will write a letter to him. We have also been reading a wide range of the Percy the Park Keeper books and we love them!


In Maths we have been learning the number bonds that make 6 and subtraction by crossing out and taking away.


In PSHE we focused on how we can be different and the same and how this makes such interesting friendships. 


In Geography we made messy maps of our classroom and labelled them. This is where you use objects from around the classroom e.g. blocks, pencils to create a layout of the classroom. 


In PE we continued to create a jungle book dance. 


In Phonics we learnt the alternative diagraph or written as aw e.g. saw, au e.g. autumn and al e.g. call or small. 



Welcome to the Sycamore Blog page. 


Friday 8th November 2024

The children have settled quickly back into school and have enjoyed listening to our new book for the term called One Snowy day by Nick Butterworth. We have been discussing the features of the story. The You Tube link to hear the story is below:


In maths we have been learning about adding more and addition number problems. They loved created their own number problems using a wide variety of animals. 


In PSHE our new topic is celebrating differences. This week we focused on our similarities between us as friends. 


Don't forget your blankets on Monday. 

Monday 11th November 2024
