Sycamore & Willow - Year 1
Welcome to Sycamore and Willow Classes -Year 1
The teachers in year 1 are:
Mrs Ward: Monday - Wednesday
Mr Aziz: Thursday - Friday
Mrs Salt: Monday - Friday
Learning Support Assistants:
Mrs Hutt - Monday to Friday
Mr Ball- afternoons
Mrs O'Malley - Monday to Wednesday
Mr Beckett - Monday to Wednesday
Mrs Wood - Thursday to Friday
Mrs Porter - Thursday to Friday
Important Information
Sycamore: Monday and Thursday
Willow: Monday and Thursday
Please ensure you come to school in P.E kit on these days.
Forest School and Music - Tuesday for both classes
For Forest School, please ensure you have waterproofs to cover your PE clothes and wellies.
Curriculum Information Autumn 2024
This term our topic is Animals and we are starting with the book Can't You Sleep Little Bear. We will be focusing on using full stops, capital letters and finger spaces. We will be developing our sentences by adding conjunctions and adjectives as the weeks go on. We will also be learning to develop our sentence structure skills. We will be writing for a variety of purposes specifically focusing on captions and lists.
We have a daily story slot after lunch, during which time we read a variety of picture books. Every child in the class is heard read by a teacher over a two week period.
In the beginning of the term we will be focusing on Place Value using objects to represent numbers and then moving on to counting forwards from any number and backwards from 10. We will then look at less than, more than and compare numbers using number lines and ordering them.
This term we are learning about the human body, seasonal changes and materials. We will focus in on the five senses and then move on to the season of Autumn. We will then explore materials such as wood, plastic, glass, metal and rock. We love to introduce as many practical activities as possible and this will include investigations for melting, freezing, floating and sinking.
This term we are learning about the history of toys from the Victorian period to present day.
After half term we will learning about weather and seasons, looking at different types of weather and climates.
This term we are learning about celebrations and special occasions that different people observe. We will arrange a visit to one of our local churches and focus in on Christian and Jewish festivals.
This term we are learning about what it means to be yourself as an individual in the world and then moving on to look at celebrating the differences we have.
Art & D&T
This term we will be exploring drawing and the different skills in mark making. We will then move on to textiles and making puppets.
This term we will focus on online safety and exploring Purple Mash. We will then look at grouping and sorting giving the children an early understanding of algorithms.
This term they will be learning about body percussion and composition using a number of musical instruments.
This term we will be learning gymnastics alongside hit, catch and running skills.
This year the phonics test will take place in June 2025.
Parent Partnership
We are always happy to discuss anything with parents and carers to help to support children in learning or to provide pastoral support. If you would like to meet, please contact the office to arrange this.