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Long Crendon


The place to grow

Elm - Year 2

Welcome to Elm Class -Year 2

The teachers in Year 2 are:

Miss. Gomme - Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Mr. Aziz - Tuesdays 


Learning Support Assistants:

  • Mrs. Ellis - Mondays 
  • Mrs. Basu - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
  • Mr. Ball - Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons
  • Mr. Van der Leeuw -Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons
  • Mrs Brown - Tuesday and Wednesday


Important Information


Wednesday and Thursday

Please ensure you come to school in P.E kit on these days.


Forest School and Music - Tuesdays

For Forest School, please ensure you have waterproofs to cover your PE clothes and wellies.


Reading Books and Library Books - Fridays

Children will be getting 2 reading books at a time which they can change when needed in the mornings we will check their reading records on a Friday.

The children will bring home 1 library book which can only be changed on a Friday.


Curriculum Information Spring 2025


This term we will be using our topic in history of The Great Fire of London to inspire our writing of diary entries and then moving on to performance poetry using the poem London Burning. The book we are using is called VLAD and the Great Fire of London by Kate Cunningham We will be trying to remember to use full stops, capital letters and finger spaces. We will explore the features of a diary entry and write some of our own from the perspective of different people during the Great Fire of London 

We will also look at these aspects of punctuation and grammar over the half term:





Exclamation marks





We have a daily story slot after lunch, during which time we read a variety of books. We will use VIPERS to work on the children's comprehension of our reading. VIPERS looks at Vocabulary, Inference, Prediction, Explain, Retrieve and sequence or summarise.



Spellings will be going home to learn for the following week where we will have a little quiz and then learn a new spelling rule. The spelling will include some common exception words (words that cannot be sounded out to spell) and words using the spelling rule they have been learning.



At the beginning of the term, we will focus on the topic of shape which we started at the end of last term exploring properties of 2d and 3d shapes. We will then move on to Money including counting, comparing amounts, calculating and finding change.



This term we are learning about plants including an experiment on plants in light and dark environments. This topic will be revisited at the end of the term and then again in the summer term. we will then move on to living things and their habitats.






This term we are learning about important and sacred objects in different religions, why they are sacred and how religious people may use and treat them.




This half term we are learning about and exploring what dreams and goals are and how we can use them in our lives. next half term we will be learning about what being healthy is and how we can keep ourselves healthy.






This half term in computing, we will learn how to use spreadsheet programs for a range of tasks, including entering data, using 2Calculate image tools, and performing calculations with totalling and the equals tool. We will also explore how to use spreadsheets for money-related tasks and collect data to create graphs.



This half term in PE, we are focusing on both dance and racket skills. In dance, we will explore creative footwork, develop a dance using a clockface theme, and respond to visual stimuli. We will practice solo and duet performances, perform 'freestyle' moves, and explore movement pathways. In racket skills, we will learn basic serving rules, develop agility through challenges, and practice self-feeding a ball to a partner. We will also work on improving our ready position, playing different roles in simple games, and using strategies like throwing into space to make it difficult for opponents.


Parent Partnership
We are always happy to discuss anything with parents and carers to help support children in learning or to provide pastoral support. If you would like to meet, please contact the office to arrange this.

