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Long Crendon


The place to grow

Beech - Year 5

Year 5 (Beech Class) Weekly Blog: w/c Monday 10th February 2025


The children are looking forward to their well earned break from school at half term.  The Year 5 team are really proud of the progress they have made already, in particular with their times table knowledge and understanding and spelling.


Our timetable is changing for Spring 2 (see class webpage).  As a result of these changes, the children will be having PE and Forest School on the same days on occasion.  When this happens, we would like the children to wear long trousers/joggers, their PE top and a long sleeved jumper/top.  


Next half term, we are going to the wonderful Long Crendon community-led library on Friday 14th March - leaving at 1.15 pm.  We need 3 parent helpers.  If you are able to come with the class, please email the school office and address your email for my attention.  


Thank you for your ongoing support of your wonderful children.  I hope you all enjoy half term.  


With best wishes,


Mrs Gilbert Scott 
