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Long Crendon


The place to grow

Chestnut - Year 6

Welcome to the Year 6 Class Page


Meet The Team


The Year 6 teacher is Mrs Galloway.

Monday - Friday


Mrs Moore is our Learning Support Assistant. 


Important Information


P.E - Tuesdays and Thursdays

Year 6 will attend school in their PE kits on both days.


Forest School/Music - Wednesdays

Year 6 will have Forest School Days this school year and will be interchangeable with Music every other week beginning with Music for the week starting January 8th 2025.



Monday 12 May 2025English grammar, punctuation and spelling papers 1 and 2
Tuesday 13 May 2025English reading
Wednesday 14 May 2025Maths papers 1 and 2
Thursday 15 May 2025Maths paper 3


Curriculum Information

Spring Term 1 - World War II



Our writing this half term will be focused around the text Anne Frank - abridged version.  We will be using the text to guide our writing and will be focusing on mainly on diary entries.  During the second half of the term, we will be using the text 'Pig Heart Boy' where children will be writing both formal and informal letters.



Our Guided Reading text will be the same text as in our writing lessons.  Children will be actively participating in various activities while using VIPERS to develop their understanding of the text.  While our reading for pleasure text is 'Weather' -DK Books.  It is important that your children read everyday for at least 5 - 10 mins.  This will improve their reading skills as well as their love for reading.  Please encourage them to do so.



SPaG will be taught throughout our writing lessons.  During this term, we will continue to focus on all the grammar concepts to be learnt during KS2 however we will be targeting spelling using the Rising Stars Spelling List as well as the Year 5 and 6 Statutory Spelling List.  Please see attachments for a copy.  Parents please encourage your child to practice their spelling lists.



In Year 6 we follow the White Rose Maths scheme at Long Crendon School. This term we will be focusing on converting units of measurement; ratio; algebra and decimals.  It is very important that Year 6 continue to practice their multiplication tables as well as the various concepts learnt in Arithmetic.  Daily practice of this will build their skills making them more confident as they solve mathematical questions.



This half term Y6 will be following a History focus: World War II.

The children will first identify key events that led to the war and be able to know and locate on a map the countries that were involved in this war.  They will also research significant dates and events that occurred during World War II while also focusing on key individuals who played a major role in the war: Winston Churchill, Adolf Hitler, Anne Frank.  Children will also investigate the impact of the war on lives of people focusing on key events, such as : rationing, the Holocaust, evacuation and women changing roles in society.  They will also identify how the war impacted the local area and the various bombing campaigns that took place.  By the end of the unit, they will also visit Bletchley Park and Thame Museum.




During the second half of Autumn term, Year 6 will focus on identifying where our energy comes from. They will be using their locational knowledge to identify the position and significance of the Prime/Greenwich Meridian and time zones.  They will also use 6 figure grid reference to locate places o n a map.  Year 6 will also investigate various trade links focusing on energy and how this natural resource is distributed both globally and naturally.



This half term Year 6 will be focusing on Light.  They will learn about how we see and how shadows are formed.  They will then plan, investigate and evaluate an experiment to answer the question: How does the distance from a light source affect the size of the shadow? The next topic they will learn about during Spring Term 2 is The Circulatory System as well as Diet, Drugs and Lifestyle.


Art & DT 

This half term will be an Drawing focus using the theme 'Making my voice heard'.  Chiaroscuro is a term that means 'light and dark' and is used to describe high-contrast images.  During this term, they will use chiaroscuro in their drawing.  While the second half of the Spring Term will see Year 6 focusing on cooking and nutrition in DT under the theme 'Come Dine with Me'.  They will create a recipe and then prepare it however they will also learn what happens to food after they leave a farm.



We will focus on Netball and Gymnastics while during Spring 2, the topics will be Tag Rugby and Dance.



At Long Crendon School we use the Purple Mash scheme in our ICT lessons. 


Music - Taught by Mr Duncan



This term, the key question of focus for Religious Education is How does what we believe influence the way we should treat the world? During these lessons, the children will focus on what different religions and non-religious groups say about how the universe and life came about.  We will also discuss how people's beliefs influences how they treat the world.



This half term our PSHE topic is Dreams and Goals where children will identify their learning strengths and how they can make set realistic but challenging goals for themselves.  They will then move on to the topic 'Healthy Me'. 





Most frequent spelling words on the Year 6 SPAG tests

Useful Websites


Parent Partnership


We are always happy to discuss any concerns or questions you may have. We just ask that you please contact the office to arrange this.

