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Long Crendon


The place to grow

Chestnut - Year 6

During English lessons over the past few days, we have been learning about Free Verse Poems and poetic techniques.  The children have written some fantastic poems using a range of poetic techniques based around World War 2 and Anne Frank's experience in the annex.  Today we celebrate the whole class.  Featured below is Koh's poem entitled 'Fear'.




I am in a prison of silence,

A room wrapped in fear's embrace,

Alone and trapped,

Like a bird in a cage.


I can hear:

The distant cry of war

A monster growling beyond the empty walls,

The endless tick tock of time dragging on,

The whispers tip-toeing through the air,

The endless echoing silence fills my ear.


I can feel fear around me,

Lurking in every corner.

I can taste it in the air;

The bitter taste fills my mouth,

Letting me know that it is there.


I am scared,

I am scared, that is no lie.

                     by Koh S.

In Science lessons, Chestnut (the best nuts) have been learning all about light.  They conducted an investigation to find out what happens to the shadow of an object based on its distance from the light source.

Investigating Shadows

During this term, Year 6 have been reading 'Wonder' by R.J. Palacio.  They were tasked with planning and writing a short story inspired by the events in Wonder.  All the children have really made an effort to plan and write their story and are still in the process of completing, editing and publishing them.  I am really proud of them.  See for yourself the lovely writing they have been doing.  Remember, this is the first draft!

Lovely stories

In our DT lessons, Year 6 have been learning about structures and have been using their creative skills to design and create their own replica of a playground.  Enjoy the pictures.

Playground structures under construction

During our trip to the Oxford Castle and Prison, Year 6 were quite engaged in the workshop delivered as well as the tour.  They were fantastic in their behaviour while on location.

Oxford Castle and Prison Trip

This week the Year 6s have really showcased being excellent role models and leaders.  They have really made us proud in the way they presented themselves, asked and answered questions.  You should all feel very proud of yourselves.  Continue being fantastic.

During this second half of the Autumn term, we have been reading the book Wonder which we will base our narrative writing on.  The children have put themselves in August's 'shoes' and have written lovely diary entries from his perspective.  They were able to identify how August would have felt attending school for the first time and used appropriate vocabulary to demonstrate this.  Well done Year 6.

Diary entry as August from the book Wonder.

Year 6 has started learning about Fractions.  Today, we had a really lovely lesson investigating equivalent fractions using sweets.  They were asked to identify what fraction of sweets based on colours were in each packet and then to find an equivalent fraction.  They used their enquiry skills as well as resilience when they found fractions they could not simplify but realised that multiplying they could also find equivalent fractions.  Well done Year 6.


Knowing their multiplication and division facts will really be useful as we continue to learn about Fractions.  Encourage your child to use the following app to  strengthen their multiplication knowledge.  Just one minute a day and they will see an improvement. 

Finding fractions of amount as well as equivalent fractions
