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Long Crendon


The place to grow

SEND and Inclusion

SEND Review Week - Week beginning 10th March 2025

We will be in touch nearer the time to agree a meeting date and time. 


Welcome Coffee Mornings!

A picture of a hot coffeeA picture of two chocolate chip cookies

Our Welcome Coffee mornings take place on the first Tuesday of each month and everyone is welcome to come along regardless of if you have a child on the SEND register or not, it is inclusive.  There are hot drinks and biscuits to share in the cosy library.  It is a great way to build relationships with the school community including other parents and members of staff at Long Crendon School.  We believe that when we work as a team around our children we reach the best outcomes for them.


Tuesday 14th January 2025 8.45am - 9.45am 

Dr Stephanie Noble who is an Educational Psychologist from Bucks Council came to lead a question and answer session on SEND.  


Tuesday 4th February 2025 8.45am - 9.45am

The focus at this coffee morning will be about parenting children with autism and we have a visitor. Sophie Penrose is a mother of 4 children coming to meet with us.  Sophie lives in the village and was previously our SEND governor.  Sophie has 4 children, 3 of whom have a diagnosis of autism and are now at secondary school or further education.  Sophie will be able to encourage and speak about experiences both at home, school and transitioning to secondary school which was an area of discussion at our last coffee morning.


Tuesday 4th MarchADHD: Dr Jo Matthews from the Red Kite Centre in Thame will be talking about what ADHD is, what does it mean and how it may present in our children.  Strategies to use at home and getting the balance right between having boundaries yet nurturing and supporting our children will be shared.


Tuesday 1st April – Developing Language at Home

Other dates for our coffee mornings with more details to come nearer the time:


Tuesday 6th May 2025 8.45am - 9.45am

Tuesday 3rd June 2025 8.45am - 9.45am

Tuesday 1st July 2025 8.45am - 9.45am (Our last of this academic year)

07/01/2025 - The Parent Portal - Autism Early Support

We hope you are all having a positive start to the new year! We know that for some of the children, the transition back into school routines can be a challenging one and we will do our best to support them in this.


We wanted to let you know about a support tool called The Parent Portal that Buckinghamshire Council have partnered with a local charity, Autism Early Support, to allow Bucks parents unlimited access to.

This is a self-guided learning tool, designed for parents of children aged 2-17 years who:


  • Have noticed differences in their child and they're exploring neurodivergence
  • Have Googled, 'Is my child autistic?, or what is ADHD?'
  • Have an autistic child(ren)
  • Are awaiting a Neurodevelopmental assessment


Click here to visit: The Parent Portal

12/12/2024 - Our Sensory Family: Preparing for the Festive Break


"Much of what makes Christmas an exciting time of year is its sensory appeal – brightly-coloured wrapping paper, twinkling lights, carols being sung at full-blast, special food and drink, social gatherings and family get-togethers. But for children with sensory processing differences, all of this combined with changes to routines can be overwhelming and difficult to manage." - Sensory Help Now

Visit the following link for useful information, articles, books, and product ideas that will help you to keep your sensory child or teen on track throughout the festive period:


Our Sensory Family: Preparing for the Festive Break


02/12/2024 - Lunchtime Clubs

We have been working over the past few weeks to make sure there are a wide range of lunchtime clubs on offer to the children. You may have heard some confusion from children as to what day Chess Club is on, this is due to ironing out scheduling conflicts with the clubs.


The website should now have the correct days and details for all the free lunchtime clubs and those that need to be booked - School Clubs


We have also put up some posters so the children can visually see what is on each day:


22/11/2024 - Nurture groups and the Anger Iceberg

This week, our Nurture Groups from Years 1, 2 and 3 talked about 'anger'.


We created an anger iceberg, to understand what other feelings and emotions can be hiding beneath the word anger.

Then we talked about calming strategies that we can use to return to a more regulated state.


The children did amazingly well at identifying these underlying feelings and adding them to the iceberg.


Here is an example Anger Iceberg to give you an idea of the concept:


22/11/2024 - Lunchtime Clubs


We are currently experimenting with expanding our lunchtime activities. Today we trialled a Table Tennis club which went very well. Once we have worked out the timings we will let the children know what clubs will be on when and where and we will update the school website to list them.


08/11/2024 - SEND Coffee Morning


Thank you to those that attended our SEND coffee morning earlier this week, it's always so wonderful to see so many parents attending. As well as being a very helpful additional forum for the school to understand the wider needs of the children, it was very reassuring to see parents able to offer support to each other and the reassurance that many parents are facing similar challenges.


Special thanks to Jane Lewis (ASD Specialist Teacher) for giving her time to come and talk with us at the coffee morning - Jane has also been training staff in the use of social stories and comic-strip conversations, great strategies for improving communication, particularly when neurodiversity is present or if children are struggling with anxiety.


Jane also mentioned that Buckinghamshire Council has a wealth of information on SEND support and you can visit their website here: SEND Local Offer

06/11/2024 - Making the most of our Nurture Room


Nurturing a growth mindset with The Magical Yet!

Children taking part in our Nurture and Well-Being groups across the 
school have been embracing the power of Yet!A noticeboard with a tree in the shape of the word Yet. The leaves have words on them.


Our Yet Tree represents our growth mindset and the leaves show what 
the children feel they can’t do… Yet.


I can’t ride a bike…YET
I can’t bake a cake…YET
I can’t do this…YET
I don’t understand that…YET


Turning our thoughts about things we can’t do into thoughts about how to 
achieve our goals. It might not be easy, but it’s possible.







Welcome to Gareth!

We have a new arrival in our Nurture Room, Gareth the Gorilla is making himself at home.










Friendship Bench Refresh

Our class Well-Being ambassadors have been working together to refresh the positive messages on our friendship bench.

The bench will then return to the playground to help children find someone to play with.



Our Nurture Room is also playing host to our Friday lunchtime Chess Club, currently open to Years five and six.

