Oak - Year 3
Welcome To Our Class Page
Meet The Team
The Year 3 teachers are
Ms Dixon (Monday - Wednesday)
Mrs Leworthy (Thursday - Friday)
The Year 3 learning support assistants are
Mrs Phillips (Monday - Tuesday)
Mrs Edmunds (Wednesday - Friday)
Important Information
P.E - Monday and Friday
Please ensure you come to school in P.E kit on those days.
Forest School - Wednesday every 2 weeks
Please ensure you have waterproofs, wellies and warm clothing for Forest School. Our first session is Wednesday 18th September.
Curriculum Information
This first half of Autumn Term in English we will be basing our work around the book The Egyptian Cinderella. We will be creating character descriptions and then coming up with our own Rags to Riches stories, with an emphasis on the setting. We will be revising and further developing expanded noun phrases, adverbials of time and position and use of the past tense.
Over the term will be practising a variety of comprehension (VIPERS) skills including: vocabulary development, inferencing, predicting, explaining, retrieving and summarising. Reading is such an important skill; it really unlocks all areas of the curriculum. We will have daily reading sessions - a mix of individual, guided reading groups and whole class reading. The children will have their library session on Fridays and will have access to a large selection of class books each day.
There will be a weekly spellings lesson and we will be following the Rising Stars programme of study. We will also be running Phonics groups to continue this support beyond KS1.
Year 3 / Spelling word list https://cdn.oxfordowl.co.uk/2019/08/29/13/54/08/76f1443d-9b6d-4030-be0d-25fcfef01438/SpellingWordList_Y3-4.pdf
We follow White Rose Maths scheme at Long Crendon. Throughout this term, we will be covering: Fractions, money, time, shape and statistics. We will be stretching and challenging the children by including both fluency and problem solving sessions.
Each Wednesday we will be running a mental maths lesson where the children will be focusing on their times tables and a range of mental calculations.
In RE we will be studying the concept of worship - what and who we might worship, and why, and also how and why religious people worship. We will be exploring the concepts of worth, music, prayer, art, artefacts and freedom within worship in different faiths.
We are following the Jigsaw PSHE scheme and our focus is 'Being Me in My World'. Children will learn to recognise their self-worth and identify positive things about themselves and their achievements. They will talk about new challenges and how to face them with positivity; rules and how these relate to rights and responsibilities; choices and consequences; working collaboratively and seeing things from other points of view.
Our History topic this half term is Ancient Egyptians. We will be learning who the Ancient Egyptians were, what life was like for them, mummies and beliefs about the afterlife, Tutankhamun, hieroglyphics and Egyptian gods.
In Science we will be looking at skeletons and movement before moving on to nutrition and diet.
Art & DT
In Art and Design we will be making Egyptian scrolls.
During Autumn 1, we will be developing our skills at Badminton.
At Long Crendon we use Purple Mash in our ICT lessons. This term we will be continuing to develop our coding skills.
This term Oak Class will be starting to learn a new language - french. We are starting with french greetings such as 'Bonjour' and 'Je m'appelle...' before moving on to french rhymes.
Learning Log Homework
Homework is due in on a Wednesday and handed back to the children on Fridays
We have a choice of tasks to complete from our homework grid.
This term the learning log tasks are linked to our topic of the Ancient Egyptians
Reading Diaries
Reading diaries are to be handed in on a Friday. We encourage children to read at least 3 x per week.
Times Tables Practice
. We encourage children to complete Times Tables Rock stars at home 3 x per week to support their times tables knowledge.
Supporting Your Child's Learning at Home
Our experience has shown us that the support children get from home has a positive impact on their learning. We hope you find the below information useful.
See below for useful websites:
Parent / Teacher Partnership
We are always open and happy to discuss your child's schooling. We are keen to ensure your child receives a 360 approach to their learning throughout their year with us.
Therefore, we aim to keep communication open. Each day after school we are at the gate should you wish to catch us. You can email or phone the office with queries and questions, which we will endeavour to respond to quickly. And, as well as this we can offer face-to-face meetings or phone calls, which again, can be arranged by the office.