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Long Crendon


The place to grow

Ofsted and Performance Data


OFSTED is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. They report directly to Parliament and are independent and impartial. They inspect and regulate services which care for children and young people, and those providing education and skills for learners of all ages.


Long Crendon School was judged as ‘Requires Improvement’ following the 2022 OFSTED inspection. Please read the report for a more detailed breakdown of this judgement.

Financial Information

Schools are required to publish the number of employees, if any, whose gross annual salary exceeds £100,000.

No staff at Long Crendon School meet this criteria.

Attainment Targets


When children begin the school year they are all working towards the same curriculum standards for their year group. As the year commences, the teachers will be able to assess whether the children are meeting the expected level for those standards, working at greater depth within the standards or have partially understood and so are still working towards them. In reporting attainment we now use the terminology ‘working towards’, ‘expected’ or ‘greater depth’. All children are striving to meet the expected level by the end of their academic year. On starting the next academic year they will all be working towards standards again as they are faced with a new set of curriculum standards for their year group.


Long Crendon School Performance

Long Crendon School consistently achieves a higher percentage of children attaining the expected level than Buckinghamshire and England in Reading, Writing and Maths. See this link for the most Key Stage 2 performance summary:

2023-24 Performance data

The Department for Education updates comparative performance data for 2023/2024 later in the following academic year. Until this is live, please see the below summary of our Key Stage 2 statutory assessment data, commonly referred to as SATs, for the last academic year:


SubjectPercentage of children working at the expected standard or above (EXS+)Percentage of children working at greater depth within the expected standard (GDS)Average Scaled Score*Progress Scores**
RWM combined81%10%N/AN/A**
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS)87%71%112N/A


Science statutory assessment does not include Greater Depth


*: Scaled scores range from 80-120. Scores between 80 and 99 are graded "Working Towards the Expected Standard", scores between 100 and 109 are graded "Working at the Expected Standard" and between 110 and 120 are graded "Working at Greater Depth within the Standard". Only subjects with tests have scaled scores: Reading, Maths and GPS.


**: As detailed in this SchoolsWeek article, the Department for Education is not publishing progress scores for 2024 or 2025.
