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Long Crendon


The place to grow

Elm - Year 1

Welcome to Oak Class-Year 1

The teachers in year 1 are:

Mrs Ward: Monday - Wednesday

Mrs Leworthy: Thursday - Friday


Learning Support Assistants:

Miss Brown

Mrs Hutt


Important Information

P.E - Wednesday and Thursday

Please ensure you come to school in P.E kit on these days.


Forest School and Music - Tuesday

For Forest School, please ensure you have waterproofs to cover your PE clothes and wellies.


Curriculum Information Spring 2024


This term our topic is Seaside and we are starting with the book The Lighthouse Keeper's lunch. We will be continuing to focusing on using full stops, capital letters and finger spaces. We will be developing our sentences by adding conjunctions and adjectives. We will also be learning to develop our sentences by using more descriptive writing. We will be writing in a variety of genres from instructions, story writing to fact files. 



We have a daily story slot after lunch, during which time we read a variety of picture books. Every child in the class is heard read by a teacher over a two week period. We also have a lovely group of parent readers who hear the children read regularly. 



In the beginning of the term we will be learning about the mass of objects using non-standard weights and then moving onto capacity. Next in maths we will be counting on and back in 2's, 5's and 10's and using this to help us multiply and divide. Then we will be finding half and quarter of a shape and quantity e.g. half of 12 is 6, a 1/4 is 3.  Then we move onto turns e.g. half turn, quarter turn and clockwise and anti-clockwise. This then leads to position of left, right,  forwards, backwards, above and below. Then we move onto ordinal numbers e.g. 1st, 2nd, 3rd. In number we are focusing on numbers up to 100, partitioning into tens and ones, 1 more, 1 less and comparing numbers. Then we move onto money learning to understand the value of all coins and notes and finishing with time which is days of the week, months of the year and finally telling the time to o'clock and half past. 



This term we are learning about plants. They will be learning to identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants, including deciduous and evergreen trees. Then they will identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants including trees. We will also be growing plants in our classroom. 



This term we are learning about the history of the seaside from Victorian times to present day. 



After half term we will learning about the coast and the physical and human features you would find there.  We will compare this with Long Crendon and do some field work around the village.



This term we are learning about important people in religion e.g. rabbi, Imam or vicar. We will be learning about their role in their religions and in the community. 



This term we are learning about different types of relationships and then changing me which is learning about the different parts of our body and how we change as we grow. 



This term we will be exploring sculpting with paper.  The children will build their own 3D models with a variety of new techniques



This term we will be using the ICT suite and using the programme purple mash to learn about and finally to use 2Create a Story to create an e-book (Animated Story Books). Then we will be following instructions and then learning to code. Then we will earn to enter information into cells on a spreadsheet and finally to learn about technology outside of school.



This term they will be learning music theory and Ukulele level 1. 



This term we will be learning dance, ball skills using our hands and feet and racquet skills.


This year the 1 phonics test will take place the week beginning 10th June 2024.


Parent Partnership
We are always happy to discuss anything with parents and carers to help to support children in learning or to provide pastoral support. If you would like to meet, please contact the office to arrange this.

Year 1 Weekly Newsletters
