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Long Crendon


The place to grow

Chestnut - Year 5

As per the home learning policy, please see below for some useful links to further stretch your learning!

The team

The Year 5 team is Miss Auster, Mrs Duffy, Mrs Edmunds and Mrs Phillips.



This term our topic is The Vikings! As part of our Residential Trip this term we will be visiting Sutton Hoo, an ancient Anglo-Saxon burial ground. We will also be enjoying a Viking Day in the last week of term.



This term in English, we will be reading the atmospheric warning story ‘The Caravan’ by Pie Corbett to inspire us to write our own warning story. We will also be taking a look at some Viking myths as well as reading ‘Viking Boy’ by Tony Bradman and ‘How to Train your Dragon’ by Cressida Cowell.  We will learn about various SPaG techniques such as expanded noun phrases, fronted adverbials, contractions, apostrophes for possession. 



We read daily through our story time slot before lunch, as well as visiting the school library on Thursday afternoons. On Mondays we have a specific guided reading slot where we use VIPERS to deepen our understanding of the text. We will be visiting Long Crendon Village Library again this term.



In Maths, we use the mastery approach and follow the White Rose objectives. This term our focus will be on Angles, 2D and 3D shapes, Position & Direction, Decimals, Negative Numbers, Converting Units and Volume. We enjoy getting practical with our maths lessons using as much hands-on equipment as possible as well as bringing meaning to our learning by getting out and about and seeing how maths is all around us.



Our science topic this term is Reproduction in Plants and Animals. We will begin by looking at how flowering plants reproduce before moving onto amphibians and insects. We will then look at animals and birds before moving onto the human life cycle.



In History, we are finding out about The Vikings and in Geography we will be doing some map work and looking at the local area.



We alternate between RE and French every Monday.

In RE this term, we are looking at Diversity; why don’t all members of a religious or non-religious community believe and live in the same ways.

In French we are learning about verbs and ‘My French Family’.



Our Art unit for the first half of term will be Portraits and Painting. The children will have a go at creating a portrait of themselves using continuous line technique. They will then build the picture by creating a background and layering poetry on top of their portraits!

For the second half of term, we will be finding out about Food and Nutrition including a special trip to Ashfold School where we will have the opportunity to use their home economics facilities for some cooking. We will also have the chance to design some keyrings using CAD (Computer Aided Design).

Come along to the Art Exhibition at the end of term to see all the wonderful creations the children will have made!



Our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday with S4A. Please come to school in PE kit on these days.


Forest School/Music

Our Forest School and Music sessions alternate every Tuesday. Please see the rota attached.


PSHE and Citizenship

This term our topic is Relationships; firstly our relationship with ourselves and thinking about self-esteem and then looking at safety online and our relationship with technology.


Home learning

We send out a homework grid once a term, on which you will find a wide variety of activities linked to our topics to try. We view the point of home learning as being to extend children's learning on a topic and, more importantly, to allow them to become enthused and excited about learning. We share children's learning each week.


Parent Partnership

We are always happy to discuss anything with parents and carers to help to support children in learning or to provide pastoral support. If you would like to meet, please contact the office to arrange this.

If you are interested in supporting the class – either regularly or for a standalone session; with your time for reading or a particular skill you have – please contact Miss Auster to see when a suitable time would be for you to visit the class. We are very grateful for any assistance and look forward to welcoming visitors into our classroom!
